Thursday, August 7, 2008

Our One-Day Vacation

As of July, John has moved up on the totem pole, so he is now a 3rd year resident. Which means we are done with his busiest year and his call schedule is much better. Less tired all the time= better moods and less falling asleep two minutes after laying down on the floor to play with the kids. It has been so great to finally have him home on weekends (most of the time). Last year, when he did have a day off, I wanted to make big plans while he wanted to just be able to stay at home. So we are all glad for the change and we've been trying to take advantage of our Saturdays.
A couple weeks ago, we wanted to go camping but then decided it wasn't going to happen that weekend. So we planned a few things to do around here instead. We headed to Woodinville (outside of Seattle) and went raspberry picking, then to a trout farm, let the kids choose where to go to lunch (of course they picked McDonald's), and still had time to go to the zoo to use our zoo pass. We finally came back home worn out and ready to grill the fish we caught for dinner. Olivia calls it our "One-Day Vacation."

I told Olivia to stand by her fish for a picture, but this is as close as she would get.

Yep, she was there, too, cheering from the sidelines.

Camping is on schedule for this weekend, unless we decide to let the forecast of rain all weekend deter us.


Belkycita said...


I finally found your blog. It sounds so much fun, where did you get the fish and please, please teach me how to do that with the Snugly! I have the front part covering Victoria's mouth all the time.
p.s. can I add you to my list?

Michelle Price said...

Those rasberries look awesome! Are you going to make jam or pie or just eat them all?
I think there are a couple of pictures of us fishing at about that age too--but we had way cooler outfits, like striped turtlenecks with short shorts.

abby o said...

Long live the one day vacation!! That's about all I can handle these days anyway!! I say, hit it hard, then go home and go to bed :)