Wednesday, September 22, 2010

What to wear

Next time you can't decide what to wear, here's an idea.

She wouldn't put on anything else, so this is how we went out. (Just to Walmart - she fit right in with some of the other outfits there). I think is day 3 this week she's worn a swimsuit all day. I decided not to wear a matching outfit this time.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Hike and more birthday stuff

This is a hike close by where we live - the trailhead is right off the main road in Pinetop. We'd done it before and wanted to go back while cousins were here. When telling friends where we were moving to, we always had to explain that we weren't going to the desert part of Arizona. This gives you an idea of where we live!

Our town is at about 7000 feet. They like finding lizards and crawdads on this hike.

Hmm, what to do with that hair.

After it rains, Jackson likes to get his training wheels stuck in the rocks, and spin his tire in a puddle of water in our non-grass yard. It's make a pretty cool fountain of water - soaking the back of his shirt.

Jackson at his preschool birthday celebration.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Big 5 Years Old

After doing a penguin party last year, (and once a kitty and sheep party for Olivia), this year Jackson gave me a more "normal" theme to work with. He mostly wanted Batman because he went to a really cool Batman party last year, and still remembers it all (and stills wears the cape and mask to various places, too).

My sister and her family came up for the weekend (Jackson was excited to have a "cousin party"), and she got to help me get ready for the party. I'd been trying to figure out what to use to look like buildings on the cake, and Michelle had the genius idea to use Nutty Bars. So with a nutty bar Gotham city and a happy meal batmobile toy, we had a cake decorated in about 5 minutes, and good enough to eat.

They stayed busy for a while making a Batman gadget/tool/weapon out of Legos, then we did a couple games.
Then they stayed busy for a while doing this.