Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Do the Macarena

There's been lots of boring stuff going on here lately. Like looking at rentals and places to live, choosing a moving company, etc.
But, good news. Friday, me and the kids went to the Spring Dance at Olivia's school. I got to break out my moves with a bunch of kids and some mom's in mom jeans. And do the macarena. After a long absence, me and the macarena were re-united.
Okay, most of the mom's there probably dress better than me, I just like to say mom jeans.
Also, most of them (moms and dads) were sitting in chairs along the sides. I guess all the 5th graders there didn't want to be dancing with their mama's like the few kindergartners and 1st graders did. Or maybe they just can't do the macarena as good as me.
Sorry you don't get to see a video. And sorry you couldn't participate. But, maybe now you can have the song stuck in your head like it was in mine for a couple days.
Heeeyyyyyyyyy Macarena.
You're welcome.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Temple and Tulips Trip

A couple weeks ago, I took the kids on a little road trip up to Canada to go to the open house at the new Vancouver temple. They were excited to go to a different country for the first time. But when we crossed the border, Olivia wanted to know, "Why doesn't it look different?"

We also stopped at the tulip festival on the way up.

The temple was beautiful! I'm glad we got to go and that the kids got to see how pretty it is inside. But I am also glad I don't have to take kids with me every time I go to the temple. Katelyn didn't want to stay by me and listen to the tour - she did want to go swimming in the baptismal font - and tried to.

We had to be back in Seattle that night to pick up John from the airport, so we didn't have a lot of extra time to explore Vancouver. We made a potty stop at a gas station, and saw that a lot of the candy in Canada is different than at home, so they picked out some for a souvenir for Dad - and some for us. Had to keep up our strength for the trip home, you know. Then we found a park with some cool triple-decker stuff and played for just a little while, until we had to get back in the car, with kicking-and-screaming-Kate in tow.

And headed back to our own country. Oh yeah, and we took lots of pictures, in case you were wondering (that's why Jackson wouldn't turn around for our picture in front of the temple).
These are some of my favorites:
Olivia likes to pose for the camera, especially with all the pretty flowers around. I would point the camera at Katelyn, and Olivia would jump in next to her, smiling for the shot. Or, I'd say, "Look at these pretty ones, " and she'd strike a pose in front of them. We got lots of Olivia.
But we like Olivia.
The other two weren't so into pictures. Here's Kate giving a dirty look to some other tourists pointing at her, laughing at her scowl, and saying "cute!" Or maybe they were just talking about the flowers around her.
And here's the one picture Jackson posed for, with a fake smile. I think he was thinking, "I don't really know why I'm doing this, but everyone else is, so let's get it over with." But he told me those were "cool dragon flowers, not pretty ones."

One still scowling, one still smiling, one ready to go half hour ago.