Thursday, October 30, 2008

Halloween Tea-Party

Olivia asked me, "Why do I always put my hands like that in pictures?" Can you tell she helped make the hat?

This is the extent of the Halloween entertaining at our house this year.

Kindergarten Field Trip

To the pumpkin patch.

A huge pile of corn to play in!

They brought popsicles for all of the freezing cold kids. Do you think Katelyn's liking this field trip?
Jackson loved getting to join the big kindergarteners. And Olivia was so excited to have him there with her. I'm glad she's not "too cool" to let her little brother play with her and her friends. (They had so many parents sign up to be chaperones, they just told us all to come but drive our own cars, so little siblings were welcome, too).

I share this with you not to show what a fabulous meal I made, but because Olivia said, "Mom should we take a picture of this and put it on our blog?" I'm glad she's learning such great things from me. I made them some quesadilla bats the other day, but Olivia made this pumpkin on her own. Too bad she had to steal my quesadilla to make it. Oh well, there's always Jackson's slobbery leftovers for me to eat.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Today's happenings at the Knippers household

(Besides eating Halloween candy),

Our furnace got fixed! Hooray. Last night we had to "double-bag" the baby in two sleepers, so Olivia double-bagged herself, too, complete with 2 pairs of socks.

Jackson: Mommy, our house is ugwy, huh?
Olivia: I know how we could make it really pretty. We could just put like flowers everywhere and hang ribbons and bows on all the walls.
(Not quite what I had in mind, but I can picture a house decorated by Olivia).

Olivia: Mom, why do some people eat caterpillars?
Jackson: Mom, how many bums to caterpillars have? Two? No, just one. No, I know, three! They have three.

Katelyn: ppppfffffffffffffffffffffff (blowing raspberries)

Jackson (over & over): Ariel! Ariel!

Olivia (over & over): Stop calling me Ariel!

Jackson: Okay. You're Gariel. Gariel. Gariel. Gariel. Gariel. Gariel.

Katelyn: Ppppppppffffffffffffffffffffff

Katelyn has started the army crawl, and I caught her twice going straight toward the fridge, reaching under and putting whatever she found underneath in her mouth. That can't be good.

Orange pancakes for dinner. Olivia: Mom, these don't even look like pumpkins.

Friday, October 24, 2008

A few of my favorite things

These hands,

these hands,

and these hands.

This guy's voice (and laughter)

These drawings,

Those thighs!

Monday, October 20, 2008

How to make friends

So I was thinking if I start greeting everyone I see like this, maybe I could make lots of friends, too.

Or maybe I'd just freak people out a little. I guess I'll just let her have the grocery store/doctor's office/anywhere friends.
(Her big sister makes friends by inviting everyone she meets into our house to see her stuffed animals - the landscaper, her kindergarten teacher, neighborhood dog-walker . . . )

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Some highlights of our past week

We've been pretty busy lately - this isn't really a typical week!
Last Tuesday - Made soup for enrichment night. Spilled soup on the floor of my new car (in a crock pot, in a box, but sploshed around too much in my rush to get to the church to set up). And broke my shoe on the way in.
Wednesday - helped in Olivia's classroom in the morning. Had to make treats to take to institute class that evening. My recipe had disappeared from the cookie section of my recipe book. Called my sister for no-bake cookie recipe. She says, "are you sure these are going to set up in time?" "Oh yeah, this recipe always works - they set up in just a few minutes."
Cut to an hour later, me pulling a tray of still-gooey cookies out of the freezer and throwing them in the car.
Back to that last hour: Finish cookies, John calls to let me know he's won't be back before the class. "I'm going anyway, we've got the treats." So Olivia takes over feeding Katelyn, and I make mac n' cheese for dinner, while listening to Olivia laugh at Katelyn's rice cereal beard. After being fed by her sister, Katelyn needs a bath but there's only time for new clothes and a wipe-down, and time to go. John made it for part of the class, and cookies were ready by the end!
Thursday - Clean up house, make a big bowl of pasta and some brownies for . . .
A houseful of people that arrive at my house for a surprise "good-bye luncheon" for a friend moving away that weekend. About 12 moms, 20 kids, and 2 hours of visiting, eating (they all brought food, too), getting food for kids, getting food away from babies, and getting 4th brownies away from more kids (namely, mine).
Friday - no school! And it's raining, we're staying home!
Saturday - clean out garage, Olivia Primary practice
Sunday - Got to be a proud mom watching the Primary sacrament meeting presentation! Our Primary is pretty small, so Olivia was still in the front row even though she's not a Sunbeam anymore. She of course picked out "the best outfit ever" to wear, and she sang all the songs! (Even the one that was supposed to be sung only by an older class).
Monday - cleaning day, then two friends at my house to learn how to make the "very best chocolate chip cookies." (Like I know anything about perfect baking - I just happened to find a really good recipe).
John gets home late, just minutes after Jackson throws up from gagging on an entire string cheese he was trying to swallow, Olivia crying because there's puke on her carpet, and Katelyn crying because I put her down to go clean up the puke. I ask John how his surgeries went. He says he needs to get a new job. A four-minute family home evening (including eating some of the cookies), and time for bed.
Today - watched friend's kids while she took her turn to volunteer in the classroom. Now time for the bunny party that Olivia planned out last night for us to do after school. Plans include: eat lettuce and carrots, play with bunny stuffed animals, draw bunnies, then we'll do some hopping around- if everyone will go along with her instructions, that is.
And the rest of this week should be pretty busy, too. A friend just loaned me the third vampire book, so I might have to put some time into that. And narrowing down Jackson's list of Halloween costumes. Not to mention the laundry . . .

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Kindergarten Art

I had my first volunteering day in Olivia's classroom today.
I got to hang pictures they had drawn of what they are going to be for Halloween. Jack wants to be Batwoman. Gabe's going to be a little kitty. And Ben is undecided between Snow White and Cinderella. Maybe Olivia will change her mind about not wanting to make friends with any the boys in her class afterall.
But she'll probably stear clear of Diego, who wants to be the Boogey Man.