Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Happy Halloween

Here they are, ready for trick-or-treating.
On Saturday, we went to a little Halloween festival.
This year, I didn't sew anything, but used lots of hot glue for the monster, cupcake, and mummy. Olivia was a witch a couple years ago, but just wanted to add a green face and gray hair this time.
My little mummy.

Candy People

My VT brought us little candy guys - our whole family of them. I like pictures with all 4 of my kids. That little guy is getting big already - he's a 2-month chunk!

Friday, September 30, 2011

Baby Ironman

My baby:
Her baby:
Yes, we do have baby dolls at our house. But she's adopted IronMan to be her baby. She takes good care of him - carries him around, burps him, wraps a blanket around him and sometimes sings to him (at least when her brother's not home to take him back). Her baby talks back to her in a deep, kinda-scary-robot voice.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Hello, World!

Arriving a week ahead of schedule . . .
Tyler Johnny Knippers
August 22nd
7 lb 4 oz

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Two White Dresses

My aunt Becky makes white dresses. Hand-smocked pretty dresses. It's kind of a tradition for us - she made my blessing and baptism dress, and all my sisters, cousins, etc. She made Olivia and Katelyn's blessing dresses. So we couldn't wait to see the baptism dress she was making for Olivia. Then, Grandma Knippers called to see if she could make a special baptism dress for her. We ended up having two beautiful dresses! She got to wear one into the water to be baptized in, and came out and changed into the other one for afterwards. She's a lucky girl to get to have two!

I was a little worried the day of the baptism (needed to hurry and get desk moved in, computer set up, find printer, so we could print the programs . . . make sure we could find her white shoes, etc.). But once we got to the church, everything felt peaceful and fell into place. My mom wrote a poem about baptism for her that I want to share on here, but a couple people told her she needs to publish it so I won't put it here.
Below: All the family members that were able to be there with us. My bro-in-law told me I needed to duct tape my belly button down - you can probably see it's protrusion.
After posing for pictures, these two were trying out the "spinniness" of their dresses from Great-Grandma Knippers.

Such an exciting, happy day!

Moving Day

Our house had some work done on it before we could move in. So it looked like this for a while. It was finally ready to move in - the day before Olivia's big day. We needed to get moved in (or more, we needed to get moved out of our rental), and start getting settled in before time for baby to come. But I didn't want Olivia's baptism day to be spent in moving chaos, and be too busy with that to be able to focus on her and the baptism! Somehow, it all worked out - it was so fun to have everyone with us for the weekend, the baptism went beautifully, and I made it through without going into labor. But not without being told plenty of times not to do anything - like I could just sit and watch with so much to do!

We moved into a house just a few houses down from where we were. The elders quorum helped us move most of our stuff Friday night, but there was still some left on Saturday for family to help with. Here they are carrying our trampoline down the street.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

First Day

After a whirlwind summer, we're back to school here. I felt like I hardly had time to think about sending my second one away to kindergarten before it happened. But he was ready and we gave him a little extra time so he'll be one of the older ones in his grade instead of the youngest. They just have half-day K here, which I love - and so does he!
On the first day, Jackson went right into class and started playing, not even looking back! I'm glad he didn't have a hard time with it - but the first day of school always make his mom a little sad!

Friday, August 5, 2011

All at Once

Moving today.
Baptism tomorrow.
School starts in 5 days.
Baby due in 3 weeks.

The plan was to move in 3 weeks ago but it kept getting pushed back. Now the house is finally ready, and we need to be out as soon as possible. It happens to be Olivia's baptism weekend! Lots of family coming for the day tomorrow to be here for the baptism, some for the weekend. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!

I've got a few things to do.

Thursday, July 21, 2011


I took the kids out on a trail closeby our house the other day. I didn't want to walk very far, and they mostly wanted to explore, so that's what we did. Olivia's report of what we saw: 5 lizards, 3 horses, 3 big tadpoles, 2 crawdads (but one was dead), and tons of dragonflies.
Olivia and Jackson's favorite thing to see was the tadpoles.
Katelyn's favorite was the horse poop.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Parade and B-day

All fireworks in our area were cancelled this year - something about not wanting to start more forest fires when we already have a few burning nearby (like the biggest one in state's history). That takes a lot of the fun out of the 4th of July. But we still had the local parade.
Look at this float - familiar words?
To try to make up for the firework-free evening, we decided to go to the park and feed the ducks.
This is what we found at the ducks' usual hangout spot. A huge pile of hamburger buns and no ducks. A few others had had the same idea we did, so the ducks weren't too hungry for our old bread. That and the rain that started as soon as we got there ended our outing pretty quickly.

We celebrated John's birthday a few days later. We gave him a new weed whacker to play with.

The last few months it seems I've lost some blogging inspiration, but I'm hoping to get some back and start blogging more again!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The Arm

Here's Jackson the ortho office, waiting for them to put the cast on. He had to wait a week for the swelling to go down.
Still looks a little swollen/misshaped. Hope it will look normal when cast comes off! You can see the caps on the end of the pins sticking out.

He should be able to get his cast off tomorrow! But it hasn't slowed him down much, as you can see. And he's figured out it makes a good club to whack his sisters with from time to time. He might even miss that bright green itchy thing.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


My little boy came home from the hospital today after having surgery and pins put in his arm - all because he was doing tricks on his scooter!
He told me later when he fell it felt like his bone broke in half - and he was right. I don't like to see my kids get hurt, and I really don't like to see arms bent in strange ways and poking out in the wrong places.

It's summer break, and he got in one day of swim lessons, and one day of gymnastics, and his t-ball career is cut a little short this year. But he still might get to go to the games (once he feels well enough to get off the couch), since mom and dad are the coaches.
Broken arm #2 for the year at our house, and I'm thinking the count should stop there.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Weekend Highlights

Making potion, with whatever mom would let them use from the fridge, plus some toothpaste, expired eye drops, dirt, vinegar. Jackson told me they needed to keep at least 1 cup of it to give to bad guys.

Katelyn thought she needed to wade in it a little.

Father's and Sons Campout - this is my favorite picture they came home with. A happy, dirty boy at the lake.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Interviews by Mom

I need to start blogging more, before everyone stops checking my blog!
So, while John is doing the dishes for me for Mother's Day, I'll get on that.

I got this idea from a friend who does an "interview" with her kids each year on their birthdays. (Thanks Colette)! I really liked the idea when I first heard about it, but a couple birthdays have passed and I've forgotten to do it. So today I just interviewed them all as a Mother's Day present for myself.

Here's some of what I recorded for us to look back on down the road:

Katelyn - age 3:
What is your favorite movie? Dora and Di-de-go
What is your favorite game? Coloring
What is your favorite animal? I'll get it out. It is a mouse.
What is your favorite holiday? Play with babies.
What is your favorite color? Pink!!!
What is your favorite food? Meat.
Favorite song? (she starts singing one she's making up) "In the sun . . . ding dong ding dong ding ding ding ding - that's my favorite song."
What is your favorite vegetable? Green stuff.
What is something you like about Mom? Eyes.
What is something you like about Dad? Um, eyes.
What is something you like about Olivia? Eyes.
What is something you like about Jackson? Eyes.
What do you want to be when you grow up? A mommy!
What's hard to do? Puzzles on Dad's "sone" (phone).
What have you learned in nursery this year? Um, play.
What are some things you like to do? Find a mouse, jump on the trampoline - I love to do that, go to dance.
What do you like to wear? (Points to her clothes).
What things make you happy? A "hud". (hug)
What makes you sad? When Jackson hits me.
What do you do when you are mad? (She starts yelling).
What is something you're good at? Jumping!
What do you think our new baby will be like? (She lays on the floor and curls up to show me).

Jackson - age 5 1/2:

What is your favorite game? Operation
What is your favorite animal? Big cats
Favorite holiday? Christmas
Favorite color? Green
Favorite food? Fruit. But my favorite treat is candy. I really want to try a lollipop sometime. (As opposed to all the suckers he's had?)
Favorite song? I am a Child of God
Favorite books? Star Wars book and Magic Tree House books
Favorite vegetable? Pea. (He came back later and said, "Mom, its actually carrots.")
What is something you like about Mom? "When she gets candy at Mother's Day she shares it with us. How many more days until Father's Day?"
What is something you like about Dad? He takes care of me.
What is something you like about Olivia? That she plays with me.
What is something you like about Katelyn? Nothing.
What do you want to be when you grow up? A hunter. That hunts wild pigs and bears.
Favorite places to go? Canada
Favorite toy or thing? I'll go find something . . . (he comes back with Lego magazine).
What's hard to do? Jump over the moon. Unless you're already in space, then it might not be as hard.
What have you learned from Primary teacher this year? Don't remember.
What are some things you like to do? Eat ice cream, and ride bikes over little hills.
What things do you like to do around the house? Vacuum and dust.
What do you like to wear? My Star Wars shirt.
What things make you happy? When I can jump on the trampoline.
What makes you sad? When Katelyn hits me.
What do you do when you are sad? Cry.
What do you want for your birthday? Lego Battle of Endor.
What is something you would like to do this summer? Go to Show Low pool.
What is something you're good at? Doing wheelies on my bike and flips on the trampoline.
What is something you want to get better at? Learn to swim.
Do you have a favorite scripture story? David and Goliath
What do you think our new baby will be like? Like any baby boy.

Olivia - 7 1/2:
What is your favorite game? Talking cars and ponies.
What is your favorite animal? Bunnies and mice, sheep
What is your favorite holiday? "Christmas. Because we get presents and celebrate the birth of
Jesus. But I don't think Santa's real because reindeer can't fly. And huge fat guys can't come down chimneys."
What is your favorite food? Raspberries, and steak.
What is your favorite song? Whenever I hear the song of a bird.
Favorite books? Berenstain Bears and chapter books.
What is your favorite vegetable? Mashed potatoes.
What is something you like about mom? Going on mommy-daughter dates.
What is something you like about Dad? Going on daddy-daughter dates.
What is something you like about Jackson? When we play together.
Something you like about Katelyn? She's the funniest person in the universe.
What do you want to be when you grow up? Someone who takes care of bunnies and animals when people go on trips, and the most famous artist in the world.
Favorite places to go? Great Wolf Lodge, the beach with tide pools, zoo, Legoland (she's never been there)
Favorite toy or thing? Legos
What's hard to do? A back handspring.
What have you learned from you Primary teacher this year? Nothing. That the Hill Cumorah's in Palmyra. But that's the only things because lots of the stories I've already learned.
Some things you like to do? Gymnastics, trampoline, read, go to friend's houses, draw.
What things do you like to do around the house? Take care of new baby - or I will!
What do you like to wear? Pants and shirts and flowers in my hair.
What things make you happy? Animals, my family, I like to be all snuggly in my bed.
What makes you sad? When people ruin my drawings or when I get hurt.
What do you do when you are sad? Sometimes just lay down.
What do you do when you are mad? Stomp around.
What do you want for your birthday this year? Art stuff, American Girl stuff, lego set.
If you could change your name, what would you choose? Keep Olivia.
What do you want to do this summer? A really fun trip, get baptized, my birthday and Dad's birthday and Jackson's birthday, 4th of July, and the baby coming!
What are you good at? Drawing.
What do you want to get better at? Gymnastics
Do you have a favorite scripture story? The one where there's one baby and two mom's fighting over it, so they're going to cut it in half, then the real mom says, "No, it's hers."
What do you think our baby will be like? Blond hair - not too much, tiny, blue eyes, cute!

Sunday, April 24, 2011


Trying to hide my pregnant self behind them. This was after church,but John changed his clothes right when we got in the door. Then he didn't think he needed to change again or be in a picture. Surprising, I know.

My mom found this dress for Katelyn, and it took a little convincing for her to wear it since it's not pink. But use of words like "fancy" and "sparkly" changed her mind and I'm glad she wore it.

Sunday, April 17, 2011


Hooray for another boy!
I was surprised (my guess was girl). But everyone else seemed to be guessing right!
Jackson is glad - well, slightly. He doesn't seem to care much about any baby right now. He said, "I probably won't really play with it but I'll try to be nice to it."
Olivia said, "I really need to stay home from school now. My day is already ruined because it's not a girl." Later, after I pulled some tiny baby boy clothes out of storage, "I guess a baby boy will still be kind of fun."
Katelyn said, "The baby can wear Jackson's clothes and Daddy's clothes." She thinks we should name him Almond Joy, just like her baby doll she named this weekend.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Ultrasound tomorrow!

Will it be another one of these?

Or one of these to even things out?

What's your guess?

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Just a few pictures of what else is going on here lately, besides neglecting the blog a little.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Girl's Weekend

Hooray, we finally got to do this! My sisters, my mom and I met for a weekend of fun and no kids. Above, we are at Jesterz Comedy Club in Mesa. We had decided there would be no cooking - it was our time off. We brought breakfast stuff, and tried a couple fun restaurants - this was at a really good Mexican place.

We made a stop at one of our favorite stores. Here's Kerri and Michelle coming out to show the dresses they tried on - they didn't realize they were trying on the same dress.

Since we were with favorite people, we also had a "Favorite Things" party where we all had to bring a favorite thing to exchange, played some games, ate some favorite dessert. (I re-used your idea, Sally and Laurel)!

I wish we could do this every month! I sure didn't want to go back to making breakfast and packing lunch for school, etc. on Monday morning.