Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Friday, August 14, 2009

Some recent projects

. . . and by recent, I mean like the last six months. This summer, I haven't done many projects. But I've added to my list of projects I want to do, and some of those on my list are ideas I've seen on other people's blogs, so I thought I'd put a few I've done on here. They're not that impressive, but I always like ideas that are do-able enough for me to actually finish.

I saw this idea on my friend SJ's blog - a holder for girl's headbands and hairclips. The headband one just has a roll of paper towels inside.

Really bad picture of skirt for me (ignore the model), and skirt for Olivia below. The fabric for Olivia and Katelyn's "spring skirts" is still sitting by my sewing machine.

A friend brought me some fabric and asked me to make some chair covers for her chairs. It was easier the second time around - my mom helped me figure out exactly how I wanted them the first time, so I could just copy.

The before and after of the baby mullet.
Okay, the last one doesn't really count as a project.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

We did a yard sale with a friend last Saturday. ONE person came. They spent a dollar. One dollar!
Lemonade is a much better business to be in.

Tonight, we told the kids to go get pj's on. A few minutes later, this parade came back chanting, "We're Olivia, we're Olivia!" They are all wearing a pair of her pajamas. It wasn't quite as cute (or modest) when I put one of her shirts on, so I didn't get to be in the picture.

Maybe because she lives on a busy street, maybe no one wanted kid/baby stuff that day - we don't know why we sat out there for three hours and got one customer.
At the lemonade stand, lots of people stopped. Probably not really for the lemonade, but because they didn't want to feel like a jerk for not giving a kid a quarter. Jackson thought it might be better to do a water stand next time so we wouldn't have to buy the lemonade. After a while, Olivia thought I should sit out there and sell while they went to do other things. That's when we closed shop with a total of about $10!
Jackson got to try some raspberry soda this week. After a couple sips, he said, "Mom, do you know raspberry juice steams out your mouth?"
That's kind of how I feel about carbonation. Safer to drink lemonade.