Wednesday, March 24, 2010


My plan is that my kids are supposed to love sports as much as I did (and still do). Early signs are not looking good - at least for Olivia.

"Whenever I try to throw the ball to one person, it always goes to someone else."
"Why do I even need a mitt in tball?"
"The only fun part of bad t-ball is rolling down the hill at the end."

She doesn't like things that are hard (she used to say she hates reading - now she just doesn't like chapter books). Maybe once she starts to get it down, she'll like it more. If she'd only let us practice with her!
Or maybe this trading card will be an inspiration to her.

Yeah, probably not.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


She is also proud of herself when she climbs up on the countertop to get herself a snack out of the cupboard.

P.S. Thanks for all the laundry comments! I didn't think I'd get so much good advice. It almost made me excited to go do laundry! Mindy and Michelle - I'm glad you've got your priorities straight.
You've all inspired a better plan here - I'll have to let you know how it goes. A while ago, I started doing one load a day, realizing I couldn't do it all in one day anymore. It's easy to start a load each morning, and keep all the clothes washed that way. But I don't like folding every day and putting it away when I have to put only 1-2 things in each drawer. If I'm going to be putting stuff away in every drawer in the house, I'd rather do it together in big piles. Bigger task, bigger accomplishment. So I'm going to try 2 days a week, or 3 if needed and . . . I like lots of the other ideas (on how to have less to wash, ways to have kids help - which is easier if I wash certain days, and they have that chore certain days, too). I could keep going but I better go to bed now instead of writing about all your good ideas! Hmmm, maybe I'll have to think of some more questions to get some good feedback on. All trouble areas of my life could be revealed this way.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

More to life . . .

There's way too much laundry in this house. I can wash it all, but then the pile sometimes likes to hang out in the family room for a while and get jumped on. I'm tempted to just start throwing it back into drawers not folded, especially all those little underwear. It all gets undone anyway when my kids dig through looking for Star Wars shirt, soft pants, or cutie pj's (all Jackson, by the way).
So what do you do, all of you who are better housekeepers than I? (Yes, that's pretty much everyone reading this . . . ) Any good shortcuts you use?