Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Going Away

A couple friends planned a going away picnic for me and Emma, another friend moving away. Cailean always does great decorations, as you can see.

There were several who were out of town or had sick kids that day, but it was great to see all who could come! I didn't want to say good-bye, and I still had a few days left, so I just kept telling people I'd see them again soon. It was hard to believe we were really leaving.

Wendy and Cailean - thanks so much for doing this!

Katelyn and her friend Stephanie

He he - they didn't know I was taking pictures.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Some last Seattle adventures

Pacific Science Center

This room is why my kids call this place "the dinosaur museum."

Katelyn waving hello to the butterflies.

Olivia flying like an acrobat in the circus exhibit. If I would of known it would take 45 min. just to get through the 4 people in front of her, she might of missed out on getting to do this. She felt pretty brave, I think.

Jackson shaking his bum for the funny mirrors.
Mt. Rainier

Playing in snow in June.

My kids have been a little afraid to go here since hearing about a friend who got close-up to a bear on a hike. But the only wildlife we saw was a marmot, and Olivia found a ladybug with it's eggs laying on a rock - they talked about both long afterwards.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

A Fabulous Day!

The last day of residency. Done! Yesterday was the long-awaited day.
I took the kids to visit him at work (as a surprise) with some chocolate and cards they made.

They got some cool sunglasses in return. (And took some of his chocolate back for themselves).

We were all ready for this day, even though it was hard to believe it really would come! We haven't seen much of him the last few months. Whenever John got paged to go to the hospital, the kids called it "going to the monster." I grew immune to him not being home before bedtime. When he'd tell me it might be a late night, I'd just say, "that's what I'm planning on." It was easier that way, since that's how it usually was lately. When talking to Katelyn about who lives at our house, she named everyone except Dad. When I asked if he lives here, too, she said, "No, work."
I've probably complained about it on here before. But to anyone who has a husband going into residency, it's not all so bad. All the rotations haven't been as bad as this last one, and there is life outside of work. Sometimes. (:
I found a card among the things he brought home yesterday. He didn't want me to put it on here, but I'll just put some of it. It's from the daughter of a patient he operated on, thanking him for "a miracle for my family. She went from blind to clearly seeing. She is safer in her home. She can see the joy and wonder of her grandsons growing up . . . . " And she even says at the end, "thank you to your family for thier support of your work and training."

I think it's pretty awesome. In the end, it's all been worth it! I'm just glad we don't have to do it again.