Thursday, April 30, 2009

Some days . . .

-You get a $200 speeding ticket.
-The garbage truck doesn't pick up your yard waste (which also includes food and meat scraps -that's going to stink! They left a tag saying we need to sign up for collection, even though we are signed up, and are paying for it).
-You have to tell your husband (who's been saving up for a new camera and/or sleeping bag) that you got a $200 speeding ticket.
-You go to Baskin Robbins for 31 cent scoop night, but they say they're cutting off the line at the people right in front of you, and you can't have any.
-And the next morning, the toilet overflows.

Thursday, April 23, 2009


We're already in the car after just dropping Olivia off at school - should I go to the grocery store now, or go home and shower (or at least look in the mirror) first?

When I see someone I know at the grocery store - pre-shower and before checking for scariness in the mirror - should I go say hi or duck down the next aisle?

When my 3-yr-old starts pointing at a gray-bearded, tank-top-and-sweat-pants-wearing man with bandana on his head and saying, "Look Mom, a pirate!" Then yelling (while still pointing), "HEY, YOU'RE A PIRATE! HI PIRATE!" Should I turn back out of the aisle I just ducked down, or stay and see how things play out with the pirate buying toilet paper.

And other important questions on my mind lately . . .

When best jeans won't fit (thanks to my sisters for all the good food they forced down my throat while in Arizona), should I go buy bigger favorite jeans or start running again? Or make cookies "for the sisters I visit teach," then eat some (okay, lots) myself?

Should I cut my baby's hair because she's starting to look weird, or leave the mullet just to hold off on that first baby hair-cut?

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Projects by Nana

My mom was here a couple weeks ago, and it was so great to have her! We made lots of things while she was here:

She made a new skirt for Olivia, then Olivia wanted her to make a matching one for her mouse.
Here she is testing the "twirliness":

Of course she has to display her mouse in outfit for the picture, along with the pillowcase and herself in skirt:

She made this pillowcase for Jackson first, and he loves it so much! I think I need to find more "boy stuff" to make for him, since it made him so happy.
Okay, I should say "she" made lots of stuff, not we. All I made was a bunny cake, since her birthday was the weekend before. (Bunny because it was almost Easter . . . and we like coconut).

And we "helped" the kids make a little Easter craft, too.
Thanks, Mom! I wish we could do this much more often!
She made the skirt look so easy, I want to try making more.

Monday, April 13, 2009

I went snowboarding

I went snowboarding on Saturday! It has been so long (like 3 years?), and I finally got to go. These were my thoughts as I started my first run: "How do I do this again?" "What am I doing here, I can't even claim to be a snowboarder anymore." "That 5-year-old just flew past me."

I felt like a beginner all over again, and kept falling down.

But it came back pretty quickly. Part of the mountain was closed, so by the end of the day, I think I did every run that was open. Some more gracefully than others. I was hurting the next day though- haven't used those muscles in a while - even my ribs are sore - probably from a few face plants . . . oh yeah, that's why I don't go when I'm pregnant. I finally got my snowboarding fix, but I want to go back for more! The snow was good, there were no lines at the lifts, and it was great!

Glimpse of this guy's future - gotta train them early to follow in mom's snowboarding boot-prints instead of Dad's ski tracks, right? Okay, skiing will be allowed, too.

Friday, April 3, 2009

More Spring Break & April Fool's

My mom came this week and got to be here for the last day of Spring Break. We went to Olivia's favorite place for breakfast, "the donut shop," then to an indoor playland at a community center by us.

I copied my sister Kerri for an April Fool's Day dinner of cupcakes that weren't really cupcakes. When we were little I remember my mom would set the table with pie tins and jars, and once even turned the table upside down. Kerri, I didn't copy everything you did, just most of it.

I had seen this idea somewhere else for "mashed potatoes" (that tasted a lot like ice cream w/ caramel sauce) for dessert.
Also on April Fool's Day, I got back from the grocery store and noticed my zipper had been down the whole time I was there. April Fool's on me.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

It's Spring Break!

This week, the forecast was for rain Tuesday, and Wednesday, and Thursday, so I wanted to get out on Monday and at least have one good outing for Spring Break. We went to the zoo, and played at a park just outside the zoo, and inside the zoo at Zoomazium, then walked around and saw animals until we were all worn out.

But who needs outings when you can make your own fishbowl . . .
And a fish party.

The next two days of the break have been more of this:
Along with riding around on empty-laundry-hamper-rockets, rescuing stuffed animals that have been caught in hot lava, and nursing them back to health.
We had movie night on Tuesday, and watched Kung Fu Panda. I have more plans to get out, but it's been nice to stay home, without the alarm clock in the morning, and try to get over our colds!