Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Hike and more birthday stuff

This is a hike close by where we live - the trailhead is right off the main road in Pinetop. We'd done it before and wanted to go back while cousins were here. When telling friends where we were moving to, we always had to explain that we weren't going to the desert part of Arizona. This gives you an idea of where we live!

Our town is at about 7000 feet. They like finding lizards and crawdads on this hike.

Hmm, what to do with that hair.

After it rains, Jackson likes to get his training wheels stuck in the rocks, and spin his tire in a puddle of water in our non-grass yard. It's make a pretty cool fountain of water - soaking the back of his shirt.

Jackson at his preschool birthday celebration.

1 comment:

Michelle Price said...

I'm glad my kids are showing up on someone's blog, because I haven't added anything to mine for way too long!