Saturday, August 30, 2008

I got to have my Mom come visit for a week, and it was so much fun to have her here. We had a whole list of things we wanted to do with her, and we managed to pack most of in (except for the temple trip, which had to be postponed due to the car breaking down on the way there. So instead of a temple date, John and I took a car-shopping/what-do-we-do-now? kind of date).

Besides taking Nana back to lots of the fun places we've been lately, we also picked lots of blackberries to make freezer jam (we had to pick lots because the kids kept eating lots). And I'm very excited that she helped me get my seat covers for my dining room chairs (almost) done. Thanks Mom! We had a mini-party to celebrate Olivia and Jackson's birthdays with her, and Olivia got to have a morning out - just her and Nana. Each of the grandkids get to do this with her when they turn 5.
Olivia says you need to come back here this second, and I agree!


Nancy Mc said...

Bet it was fun to have Mom there. The jam making reminds me of the time that we made strawberry jam -all of us while- living in NO. I know that Nana was looking forward to the trip.

Mindy said...

If you got your mom's genes, you will look young for a very long time. They need to come up with a fun song like, "It's always fun for everyone when Grandma comes!"