Tuesday, December 28, 2010

A Little of Christmas

My family came up to our house for Christmas, and we all went sledding. Here's me and Kate in the air. She's a pretty fearless sledder, but we weren't really aiming for that jump. I wasn't in control so much, as you can see.

Here's our nativity the Monday before Christmas. Olivia was Mary, Katelyn was an angel/sheep, John was Joseph and a shepherd, Jackson was a wiseman, and I got to be the donkey.
And also a camel, bringing the wiseman from far away in the kitchen.

Here they are ready to come out on Christmas morning to see what they got. Jackson couldn't contain his excitement to sit for a picture. He had just plopped down after running in circles on Olivia's bed.

Thursday, December 23, 2010


My girls and baby Riley at Grandpa's house.

Mesa temple lights

Katelyn working on turkey craft from Nana.

Olivia said we needed a cornucopia, and no one else signed up to bring it, so it was up to me to provide. (I saw this on someone else's blog once, so I tried it). It looked pretty yummy, but we just looked at it and didn't eat it!

Running on Thanksgiving means you get to eat more.
And now Merry Christmas Eve!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Football Game Party

We had some friends over to watch a BYU game.

Here are some of the fans. They were secretly working on something in Olivia's room, and came out with this sign.

No, the guy in the drawing is not jumproping (as John guessed) - that's his helmet. And they don't always win like they wrote, but they happened to this time, making for some happier dads at the party.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Just Another Day

I've slowed down with the blogging lately, but here's a story for you.
Last week, I decided it would be a good idea to tag along with John when he drove down to Mesa to do surgery there. He goes down every other week to get some extra surgery days in, since winters here are slower. This time, he needed to start at 7 in the morning, so the company got a hotel room for him to stay in the night before. Since he was already going and there was no school for veterans day, we jumped in the car with him so we could go shopping for snowboots (not too many stores here), and go surprise my mom and play with her for the day in the warmer weather.
Sometimes I have the best ideas.
This is how the plan went. We made it to the hotel, and took John to work early so we could have the car. We didn't want to wake my mom up early, so we got kind of nasty McDonald's breakfast and went back to the hotel. Kate's pancakes were "dross" and Jackson didn't want his "big tater tot" (hashbrowns), so they took my yogurt and fed each other instead. Since my food was gone, I got in the shower. While in my peaceful shower, I heard someone come in the bathroom . . . and someone else follow. Then I heard crying. I looked around the curtain to see vomit all over the floor, with my two girls standing there staring at it. Then I saw the green-filled toilet - which Olivia explained is the reason for her puking. She went potty, and the sight of what came out of one end made her throw up from the other end. It was all over her clothes, she was upset and feeling sick, Katelyn was standing there as a spectator but couldn't get out without stepping in the mess, and I wasn't exactly dressed to clean it up and rescue them. It was awesome.
I grabbed a towel for me and a couple for the floor. Olivia stripped down and went out and laid down in her shirt only. Five minutes later she was back on the potty. After cleaning up, I washed my hands, and saw two strings sticking up from my make-up bag by the sink. I went to pull them off - those dumb strings were cockroach antennae! I pulled up a huge cockroach from my bag by his "strings." I hate that tricky cockroach. My kids came to see what I screamed about, and we caught it in a cup and put in the toilet. He could swim. It got to the side faster than I got to the flusher, then it HELD ON to the side of the toilet bowl while the water flushed past it. I ran out to see what injury Jackson had just inflicted on Katelyn, while at the same moment Olivia had to run back to use the toilet AGAIN. She saw the roach under her right as she sat down. At hearing her scream, I went back into the bathroom. I flushed again, but the roach held on. Through three flushes!! While Olivia stood there trying to hold the runs in. She hates that cockroach, too. We finally got him down, Olivia got everything out, and Jackson finished off my breakfast.
Olivia seemed to be feeling better, so we checked out of the hotel. (I'm sure the maid loved the pile of towels we left for her in the bathroom).
Next stop, Nana's house again, to surprise her with our visit. Oh yeah, it's her day to work at the temple! Surprise for us - we can't even see her until lunch time.
But there's always boot shopping while we wait. We went to Target. Weird, John was right when he said Phoenix probably doesn't have many snowboots. But the Target worker told me, "The Target stores in like Minnesota probably carry them," so that helped.
No Nana, no boots.
I walked around Target a little longer, until I was done with the, "Can we buy this?" "No" conversations. Back to my mom's, and she was there! Hooray!
The best parts of the story are pretty much over . . .
The day improved with some yummy lunch at Nielsen's frozen custard (that can make up for a lot). Then we picked up John and played at the park for a while, and got dinner before we had to say bye and head home.
John doesn't believe me about the roach - but it's a true story. Watch out for brown strings.

Monday, November 1, 2010


I really liked my kids costumes last Halloween. This year, nothing too exciting. Jackson wore a hand-me-down dragon costume and a red punch mustache.
I was working on a ladybuy costume for Kate (after seeing how cute the one was my sister was making), but she wasn't too excited about it. My neighbor brought over a few, and Katelyn saw this blue dinosaur and was sold on it. So she was a di-saur, with a crooked head piece all night.
I did make one costume - Olivia wanted to be a bunny, but she wanted to look like a real one, "with ears that flop back, not just stand up straight." (You were probably wondering if that was a real rabbit sitting there. Nope, just my amazing fleece rendition). She was a little offended when people asked if she was the Easter bunny. "No, I'm a regular bunny." Get it straight.
She must have heard me talking about how much more fun homemade costumes are (even though I only like to make them if they're fast and easy), because she ran around the house in her long-eared hat singing, "I have a homemade costume!"

At the ward trunk-or-treat.

This kid wins our vote for a cool costume. His mom wanted a picture of him with the eye doctor (and the eye doctor wanted one, too).
But homemade costumes or not, we got candy.

This dinosaur likes candy.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Holly's Wedding

John's sister, Holly, got married, and we got to go to Portland and be part of the wedding. The girls were the flower girls, and Jackson got to be the ring bearer. Great-Grandma Knippers sewed their dresses and his vest.

Katelyn making faces after eating yummy wedding cupcakes.

The wedding was really pretty. I wish I had more pictures of the bride and groom! I just got one good one of Holly and Laurel (my other SIL).

Too bad I can't have someone do my hair for me everyday. I could use some help with that. This is the hair that set off security at the airport. We flew home the day after the wedding, and apparently there were too many bobby pins in my hair. Just for trying to keep the hairdo an extra day, I had to get searched.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Wacky Hair Day

I hope it stayed in at least long enough to get to her class.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

San Diego

A few days after we arrived in Pinetop, we got back in the car and drove to California for some playing on the beach with cousins and Grandpa.

Everyone at work, while John oversees and gives orders.

Meeting new cousin Riley.

At the aquarium.

Jackson and Lindsay.

Doesn't this picture have a nice background? Sorry if that's you in the shorts.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Retreats Rock

John and I went to Sedona in July for a "retreat" with his company. Those buildings down in the canyon make up the resort we got to stay in.

We went on a fun jeep tour, (even though it was pouring rain, and clouds were covering all the awesome views you're supposed to get on the tour!) We did see just a little of the red rock.

That afternoon there was nothing scheduled, so we went on a hike through the canyon.
John went up to the top of this rock. I get a little afraid of heights. I thought about going up, too. But then I thought about falling on my head. Then I thought I was high enough.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

What to wear

Next time you can't decide what to wear, here's an idea.

She wouldn't put on anything else, so this is how we went out. (Just to Walmart - she fit right in with some of the other outfits there). I think is day 3 this week she's worn a swimsuit all day. I decided not to wear a matching outfit this time.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Hike and more birthday stuff

This is a hike close by where we live - the trailhead is right off the main road in Pinetop. We'd done it before and wanted to go back while cousins were here. When telling friends where we were moving to, we always had to explain that we weren't going to the desert part of Arizona. This gives you an idea of where we live!

Our town is at about 7000 feet. They like finding lizards and crawdads on this hike.

Hmm, what to do with that hair.

After it rains, Jackson likes to get his training wheels stuck in the rocks, and spin his tire in a puddle of water in our non-grass yard. It's make a pretty cool fountain of water - soaking the back of his shirt.

Jackson at his preschool birthday celebration.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Big 5 Years Old

After doing a penguin party last year, (and once a kitty and sheep party for Olivia), this year Jackson gave me a more "normal" theme to work with. He mostly wanted Batman because he went to a really cool Batman party last year, and still remembers it all (and stills wears the cape and mask to various places, too).

My sister and her family came up for the weekend (Jackson was excited to have a "cousin party"), and she got to help me get ready for the party. I'd been trying to figure out what to use to look like buildings on the cake, and Michelle had the genius idea to use Nutty Bars. So with a nutty bar Gotham city and a happy meal batmobile toy, we had a cake decorated in about 5 minutes, and good enough to eat.

They stayed busy for a while making a Batman gadget/tool/weapon out of Legos, then we did a couple games.
Then they stayed busy for a while doing this.

Monday, August 16, 2010

First Day

Second grader! School started last week. She is enjoying it, and really likes her teacher - the M&M math on the first day won her over. There are only a few other girls in her class, but she has just been playing on the swings every recess so far, and wondering why her old school is deprived of swings.
She tried buying lunch today. "I wanted the chicken, but then when they put it on my plate I wished I got the taco. It looked so disgusting with bones everywhere and a yellow thing probably was the heart. I think they gave me the chicken's stomach."
That's about the most she's reported about her days so far.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Catching up some more . . . Olympic Peninsula

We wanted to make it to Olympic Peninsula before leaving the northwest. We only had a day, so we got up early to get on the ferry.
First stop, tide pools - lots of them!

Next stop, lunch. We decided not to eat here:

Then we left the ocean and went up here:

The deer weren't afraid of us.

Either were the llamas (at an animal park in Port Angeles). But some of us were a little afraid of them - and their friends the yaks.

It made for a great day trip - but we could have stayed for a week if we had time.
Okay, I think I'm caught up - I'll write about the move and our new place next.