Sunday, July 19, 2009

Twin Falls

We didn't have a lot of time to go camping for John's birthday like we wanted to, but I was determined to get outdoors anyway, so we just did one of the closest hikes by Seattle, and made the trek up to see some water, then play in the river a little.
The kids got tired on the way up, but on the way down Olivia said, "This is the best day of summer break ever." Jackson scraped his knee before we got to the trailhead, but made up a new song titled "I love my scrapey" as he hugged his knee on the drive home.
I've got some bigger hikes in mind, but we're going to have to build up the kids' endurance because John didn't really like when Jackson took Katelyn's place in the backpack.


Belkycita said...

We loved that hike!
I like the song Jackson made up, can't wait to see the bigger hikes!

Nancy Mc said...

What fun memories you are creating for you family. Love the idea of the song-creative.