Monday, July 13, 2009

Oh brother

John was on call last night. He went in for a surgery around 10:00. I don't know how many other patients he saw, but I heard him come home around 3 am. Just as he was climbing into bed, his pager went off again. I don't think he liked that sound. He had to go back, and didn't come home again until after work today. And today was a surgery day! He did 3 cataract surgeries on no sleep! I'm glad I wasn't one of those patients. He said he drove through McDonald's for breakfast, didn't eat lunch, and then he fell asleep as I was making dinner tonight, and we couldn't wake him to eat anything.
His last week of call, he got about 2-3 hours of sleep/night for 6 nights in a row! He was not functioning so well - or looking so good, either!
His car was also having problems last night, so he took mine. I was supposed to go get diapers, and things for Olivia's birthday party that's in a couple days. We were also supposed to go drop his car off at the shop when he got home, but he was too tired to drive and said he needed to rest for "a few minutes" first. Looks like the car will be going in tomorrow night instead. Now we're down to one diaper, and if Jackson will ever go to sleep I'll go get some. Hmmm, what can I find around here to fill butterfly goody bags with? Maybe some mini corndogs?

So that's what I'm saying "oh brother" about.

P.S. (especially for Carolyn) Call's not always so bad!


Cailean said...

Larissa!!! What can I do to help? We are in the same boat with diapers - we're down to about 7 for Lucy. Nathan's planning on stopping at Costco on the way home tomorrow night - can he get you a box? Seriously let me know how I can help with all of your needs!!!!

Carolyn Hanson said...

Geez, Larissa! What are you doing posting stuff like this? I'm only two weeks into this!

It actually hasn't been as bad as that yet, so I'll stop complaining...

I wish I could swing by and bring you some diapers and maybe more mini corndogs for your birthday bags. Hang in there!

WendyJ said...

I'm sure that pager going off has to be the worst sound ever. I don't think I could function on such little sleep. How does he do it? We really need to hang out more since you basically live a couple houses away!

SJ said...

Oh brother indeed! sorry lar-lar.

Michelle Price said...

Maybe you could potty train Kate. That would solve the diaper problem, and think how much excitement that could add to the birthday party!
Hope Olivia's day was great! Sorry I didn't give her a call.