Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Olivia is 6!

Her birthday party was 2 busy hours of this:


(Treasure hunt w/ picture clues, leading to their goodies bags, butterfly life cycle pasta art, butterfly cakewalk - or actually, candy walk).

And this:

Phew, they've gone home!
Hanging butterflies that we borrowed from her bedroom and sidewalk chalk pictures on the front walkway was about as far as we got with decorating.
I learned: Her idea to have butterfly brownies was much easier than decorating a cake. Next time, don't do dinner! Cake and ice cream, maybe a game, and that's enough. (Don't I say that after about every birthday party we ever have)? This one actually was pretty simple, just lots of plates to fill.
I also learned the Lite Brite that she loves was a good present. (I was always jealous of my big sister's lite brite).
The water toy I got from the dollar store that lasted 30 seconds in the wading pool and made her cry for 20 minutes was not a good present.


Belkycita said...

Happy birthday Olivia!!!
Super cute party!
You are too creative for my uncreativeness.

Nancy Mc said...

Happy Birthday Ovliva. I was thinking that there wer LOTS of kids there. Looks like fun-and very creative.

Cailean said...

Loved it! Our girls had a great time and it's so neat to see these photos. You put together a great party. The Lite Brite is so cool! I didn't know they still sold that!

Ricki said...

Happy Birthday Olivia! What a fun party. I love your butterfly theme. :)

WendyJ said...

Thanks! SG had a great time!

Michelle Price said...

How fun! You are brave to have that many kids there and plan that many activities! I think I'll come play with her light bright some day.

Mindy said...

Happy Birthday Olivia!
I can't believe she is 6...doesn't seem that long ago when she had a treasure-hunt birthday party in Milwaukee. Sure was fun then too!