Monday, July 13, 2009

Gone to Heaven

Jackson came in sadly from the backyard, and said, "Mom, my ball went to heaven!" He had thrown up his bouncy ball and didn't see it come down anywhere, so he decided that's what must have happened. When I found it for him in the grass, he said, "Oh, it's back."

We have a hard time finding things that Jackson will eat. He likes milk, fruit, and most crackers and snacks, but not much "real food" or anything with sauce, mixed together, etc. So like Katelyn, we're trying to get more into his diet, too. (If they would just follow their mom's example, they'd have no trouble getting enough to eat. That's one area I set a good example in). At the grocery store last week, I told Jackson he could pick anything that he would eat. He chose mini corndogs, so we got them. If he'll eat mini corndogs, that's fine with me - he needs calories and protein.
So we cooked up some mini corndogs, and he bit into one.
"Mom, the inside of this taste-es like a rat."
That was the end of the mini corndogs.

Jackson isn't so much into singing. He likes to cover my mouth if he hears me singing. And kick Olivia if she sings. (I didn't say we were good singers). However, once in a while, if he is in the right mood (not necessarily a good mood), Jackson will break into song. Something like this: "Do you know the bad muffin man . . . "


Nancy Mc said...

How does he know what a rat tastes like? Cute post.

Laurel Criddle said...

This makes me laugh. LIke a rat? Maybe thats why I don't care for hot dogs. hahaha Ryan used to be such a good eater and I find he eats more if I don't let him see it, but I tell him what it is before I feed it to him. After the first bite, he likes it and then I let him see it.

Michelle Price said...

I like that Jackson! I've been trying to get more veggies into my kiddos lately. You should hear the wailing that happens when my kids come to the table and see their plates.

The Copes said...

I'm not a big fan of mini corn dogs myself. They're just too "mini" for me.
What I like, is a full sized corn dog, or several full sized corn dogs.

James Finnigan said...

Awesome. I hope he's imagining what a rat tastes like. :)

I loved the gone to heaven comment.

Belkycita said...

I'm with Jackson on the corn dogs, they are just kind of weird.
My mom had the pickiest eaters and her solution was to make a huge pot of soup with tons of veggies and beef, she cooked it for hours and then she would blended it all. We had to have a cup everyday at lunch or dinner. Funny thing, it was my very favorite thing to eat :-)
Elena likes it too, I am just not as diligent as to make it all the time.

Darin and Kerri Elam said...

Jackson's awesome!