Thursday, July 23, 2009


My sweet, happy baby has turned into pure trouble! She is fearless and always wants to go UP. I pull off of our kitchen table about 20 times a day.
She wiggles out of the straps in the front of the shopping cart and stands up in there. So I put her in the back of the cart where she can stand but not fall out - except now she can climb out of there, too! At Target this week, I caught her with one leg over the side, about to fall on her head. So I got her out of the cart while we looked at some things, and her favorite thing to do then is run away from me - laughing as I chase her, and crying as Olivia carries her back to me. (And with Jackson whining that he wants a snack or wants to go home, and Olivia asking for everything she sees, it makes for a fun time at Target).
At the park, I was pushing Katelyn on one of the baby swings. I turned to check on Olivia and Jackson, and when I turned back, she was perched on the BACK of the swing, still swinging, and with a big smile on her face.

She may not grow out of this, but maybe she'll get smarter soon because she doesn't need any more bumps on the head.
She gets on every desk, table, or top of stroller, rides our rocking horse standing up, uses the back of a chair as a ladder, and just likes to scare her mama.


Pam Emmons said...

Your shopping trips sound like mine... and your little one sounds like my oldest always was. Well, you know. You were there!

Larissa said...

I do know! She reminds me of Noah sometimes, and yet I think he was an even better climber than she is - she hasn't gotten out of her crib (yet)! Does Noah still like to climb?

Nancy Mc said...

My climber is 24 and is still very much the same. I hope she grows out of it. Your Traget visit sounds awful. That is why your mom and I use to shop in the middle of the night.

Cailean said...

It's such a fun but tough age. They are so cute in their independence and Katelyn is especially cute. She probably always has a big smile on her face as she does most of that! I hear ya on the shopping trips. Having 4 kids this summer to take shopping means I go less often so that's actually a good thing!!

Carolyn Hanson said...

At least she's adorable! Good luck!

Darin and Kerri Elam said...

You described my shopping trips EXACTLY. Madison always wants to have everything, Wyatt is ready to go home before we even get there, and Levi has turned into a little climber, too. Only he doesn't run away from me yet, but I think that is only a couple of weeks away. Levi has also made it up on top of our kitchen table, which is a counter height, so it's taller than most, and I found him playing up on Madison's bed the other day (which is also taller than most). And he has perched himself up on the top of the back of the couch a few times.

Michelle Price said...

My baby doesn't climb. She is a perfect angel.
Way to go Kate!