Thursday, April 30, 2009

Some days . . .

-You get a $200 speeding ticket.
-The garbage truck doesn't pick up your yard waste (which also includes food and meat scraps -that's going to stink! They left a tag saying we need to sign up for collection, even though we are signed up, and are paying for it).
-You have to tell your husband (who's been saving up for a new camera and/or sleeping bag) that you got a $200 speeding ticket.
-You go to Baskin Robbins for 31 cent scoop night, but they say they're cutting off the line at the people right in front of you, and you can't have any.
-And the next morning, the toilet overflows.


abby o said...

Larissa, all you need is an illustrater. you are already an author.

Cailean said...

Obviously the economy has hurt the police department too because that's an INSANELY high speeding ticket! I hope you can fight it and not pay. I'm so sorry!!!!! But so grateful too because I have had a really difficult week filled with things I have not wanted to do or deal with...this post helped me feel better. Thank you :)

Belkycita said...

Hey I fought one and I didn't pay, let me know if you want tips :-)

What time did you go for ice cream? We went and found Nathan Morgan and Ilee, and before we left we saw Jessica and her girls.
I'm sorry, I'll make it up to you.
You'll see.

Laurel Criddle said...

When it rains it fun. Hope tomorrow is a better day!

WendyJ said...

So sorry. What a bummer!! I hope you are able to get out of that ticket.

Jolley Family said...

Wow, that was a bad day. Fortunately, there is always a new one. So I got my VT list here in Texas and I am trying to figure out who my new partner is and I am totally missing you right now. We made a good team.

Colette and The Chickenwings said...

This story should end with mom locked in her dark closet alone eating chocolate...

Michelle Price said...


Carolyn Hanson said...

I agree with Abby! Again, love it.
(Oh yeah, sorry about your crappy day.)