Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Why I'm Not Cooking

John is in Florida this week for a conference. Other than a container of sour cream being dropped (open) on the kitchen floor, goose eggs on two foreheads, and a disastrous family room (oh wait, that's normal . . . ) we're doing okay here.
Dinner and bedtimes on my own have been pretty common lately, anyway. He rotates through different hospitals, and the one he's working at right now is a busy one so he's hardly ever home before 7 pm. He also had a big test in April that he'd been studying for whenever he could, and then was on call all week right after his test so was gone lots during the nights, too. I mostly saw a scrubs-covered lump sleeping on the couch, with an ophthalmology book he was too tired to read next to him. Then gone to Florida a week later, and he has another call week coming when he gets home!
If I'm only cooking for me and the kids, it's french toast or noodles and sauce. There'll be no cutting up chicken this week - we'll probably have no meat, period (except whatever meat-like product there may be on our frozen pizza). Not that I don't like meat, but without a carnivore husband around to appreciate it, not worth the trouble to make it. It's survival mode for me and whatever's easy, goes.
14 months of residency left!
But I promise I'm not wishing it away - there are so many good things about this time in our lives, too, and it's not always as crazy as it has been lately.


Michelle Price said...

Funny post.
I must admit, I actually have come to like the nights when Zak is working late so that I don't have to cook for him. The kids are happy with cereal, and that makes me happy too.
You're doing great with those cute kids! Even if they do have a couple bumps on the head. Hang in there and I hope John gets a little break soon!

Sara said...

What is it about these boys. I'll have a protein laden dinner, but no MEAT. John is Still hungry. Carnivors.

So...survival mode is on at your house and pizza and pasta sounds great to me!
After having lived so closely to residents and their wives....I kind of know what your going through...I really admire your good attitude.

Belkycita said...

Way to go!!
I never cook when David is gone. The girls get chicken nuggets from the dollar Menu along with a shake on of the nights he is gone.
Most meals are eaten on the floor over a blanket (picnic) and there isn't really a schedule to when to do what, unless is bed time.
Bed time happens every night at the same time.
I need the time :-)
oh,I also watch movies he will never watch with me there :-)

Cailean said...

Oh my goodness, honestly as many hours as Nathan was gone as a grad student I knew it could never compare to the life of a med student wife. There's such a strange freedom when you know you don't have to make dinner for everyone. But I'm sure you miss him :( Hang in there and let's have a playdate when it's an early release! Next week right?

Carolyn Hanson said...

Oh man, Larissa! This is bad news...I'm trying to pretend that residency will be fine. Okay, I'll be honest: I know it's not going to be 'fine', I'm just not thinking about it yet. I wish I could have you along for the ride while I'm flying solo in MN for the next couple of years! Cheers to only 14 more months for you!

Lindsay, Steve, Alex, Sammi, Drew said...

Pancakes are a stand-by for nights like that. Make a huge batch and toast them for left-overs. As if pancakes need to be easier. Good to hear from you. Thanks for responding on my blog, now I can keep up with you too!

Colette and The Chickenwings said...

I have a new coupla dinners we're trying at our house...pancakes and cold cereal. These are, of course, reserved only for Daddy-free nights, which is most every night.