Saturday, May 16, 2009

I'd been wanting to go here, so a couple Sundays ago, I told everyone to get in the car - we were going to go see something. Olivia and Jackson didn't want to go anywhere - they were busy playing a game they had invented. And John wasn't so excited about it either. This may be because it was already almost dinner time, and he still needed to pack for the flight he needed to catch that night. Or it could have something to do with the fact that I woke him up from a nap to go. Not sure.

But the blossoms weren't going to last until he got back, and I didn't want to miss our chance. No one was too excited about my plan, but I got everyone in the car anyway, and then these two didn't want to leave.

This is at UW. There's a huge fountain behind them, and below is the path covered in cherry blossoms.
Katelyn squealing as she tries to join us rolling down the hill:
We smelled blossoms, she tasted flowers, the kids raced around on the grass. It was so pretty, and John was even almost convinced it was worth the short outing - or at least he wasn't too mad at his wife for waking him up (with the help of Katelyn - who wouldn't want to wake up to that face)?


abby o said...

beautiful...way to seize the day.

Nancy Mc said...

Ditto to abby's comments!

Belkycita said...

I'm so glad you made it. and way to go!! I don't think I can get away with anything if I ever wake David up from a nap.

Cailean said...

I love those photos. I miss being a student on campus during those magical pink fluffy cloud weeks. And I LOVE the photo with you (or part of you) rolling down the hill! :)