Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Mother's Day

Family picture - in parts.

I was talking to my sister the other day about how we don't usually put pictures of ourselves on here. I don't really like pictures of me, but these were taken on Mother's day, so I'm in them all - because I'm the mom.
I got a kinda-crappy-looking but fully functional double jogging stroller for Mother's day. I'm allowed to say that about my present because I picked it out myself. I've been wanting a double jogger, which is a little out of the budget. But craigslist came through again. This was the cheapest one I've seen - $30!
I did the trial run one evening, and the kids were fighting over who got to ride. So I did a few laps around the block, switching riders each time I got back to the house. It's been a while since my running days, but I had some encouragement as they kept asking for more turns and telling me to go "faster, FASTER!" When pushing a 5- and 3-year-old together it's not so easy to go fast.
And I got lots of chocolate for Mother's Day, too, which should help counteract any benefits that may come from the double jogger.

1 comment:

Colette and The Chickenwings said...

Hahaha! I am still laughing at chocolate counteracting the benefits of the double jogging stroller...I guess I'm not alone!!