Friday, April 9, 2010

During the week before Easter, we used this idea to learn more about the Easter story each evening leading up to Easter Sunday. Or, at least some of it - mostly just the scripture and story with the gospel art picture for each night. The only extra activity we used from the list is the dinner from day 2. I told Olivia we were going to dress up like we're in the time when Jesus was on the earth, and eat foods like they might have eaten back then. She thought it was a great idea, but said, "And then we'll just have a normal dinner right after that, right?"
I made the unleavened bread, and put out a few of the sides, but we used chicken for the skewers instead of lamb. Also, I don't think they had sippy cups for the grape juice, or fitted crib sheets to wear on your head.

John got home right after I finally finished the food, and we were all hungry. So to dress up, we all grabbed something out of the linen closet to put on our head and called it good. Halfway through the meal, Katelyn decided to lose her sheet and go put some princess dress-up on instead.
They've talked about it a few times since then. Jackson told me "the time of Jesus must have been close to the time of Star Wars because they wore stuff kind of like that, too." He still can't figure out how I made "that one kind of bread" like they had way back then.
At least it was memorable . . .


Belkycita said...

mm another idea I'm stealing from you,
Do you know how many I've stolen?!
I even made the candy looking headband's holder :-)

Ricki said...

That's a nice idea, I like that! And there's nothing better than Jesus and Star Wars.

Nancy Mc said...

Wonderful idea. Such a creative mom!