Wednesday, April 28, 2010


My little Kate had a rough day yesterday. (I know, you probably don't feel sorry for her - she's looking pretty happy here)!
I was in the other room, and the kids thought she started crying because of the toy Jackson had just yanked away from her. But something else went on there, since she couldn't walk the rest of the day. I don't know if her toe got stomped on or a toy was dropped on it, but she was in a lot of pain. I finally took her in to get it checked. The doctor said it was probably cracked, not broken, and wrapped it up for her. She's doing better today - it's black and blue, but she can even limp around.
She kept saying, "hurt" and got lots of holding and cheering up by all of us (except more tears from Jackson who kept "accidentally" bumping it while doing his kung fu moves) . We don't like to see her in pain!


Laurel Criddle said...

Poor baby girl! Hahah your Jackson sounds an awful lot like my Ryan. I always kind of chuckle when Ry stubs his toe because I know how it feels and it is just one of those inevitable things that happens in stepping on a hot wheels car. That feels great! Hope she gets well soon so you don't have to deal with whiny kids :)

Michelle Price said...

Oh no! Sorry Kate! Poor thing. But she does look pretty happy in the picture, and she has really cute leggings! I hope those ones get to come my way soon. Well, not so much for me, but for Sadie.