Friday, January 2, 2009

Santa Came!

Our kids didn't get anything too big (Santa must have known they already have plenty!), but they were so excited about the things he did bring. Olivia's top thing on her list was a stuffed animal mouse, and Santa came through on that. Jackson just wanted more cars. I don't know if they'll always be so easy to please!
(I already posted about all the pictures of Katelyn that day - she was mostly just being held. But she's feeling much better now).

It was definitely a white Christmas! So fun to see all the snow falling through the window as they opened presents.


abby o said...

I've become the conservative mom I never wanted to be...I've absolutely decided that less is more on Christmas morning. The more they get the more they want (we learned last year) whereas a few well-chosen (by them of course) gifts leaves time and energy for them to actually enjoy and play with. BORING. But true!

Mindy said...

I love Jackson's reaction! That's the best!

Cailean said...

Your kids scored big! What happy faces :) And yeah that video is hilarious!