Wednesday, February 10, 2010

She knows what she wants

This girl is almost 2. (Like in 2 days). And we are in for it! She won't even pretend I'm in charge anymore.
She's been wanting to pick her own outfits, and put them on herself (and has been for months)! Isn't she too small for that?
That's why she often looks something like this: (in February).

And why lots of mornings she puts on a clean pair of pj's, backwards, and thinks she's ready for the day.
While I still want to decide things for her, I am excited (understatement), about her latest decision. Looks like she wants to be done with diapers! And she is doing pretty well on that potty. One problem is that she carries it out of the bathroom, and only wants to use it in other rooms of the house, but I'm willing to let that slide a little for now. This could be the easiest potty training yet. Or she could change her mind again. I'm sure it won't be as easy as it seems right now - we'll see what the next few weeks bring. But for now, we're doing the pooping on the potty dance.


Emma said...

she wants to make a fashion statement pretty early huh? Best wishes with the potty training!

Laura and crew said...

I hear guys like girls with strong personalities...she'll be a catch! Good luck with potty training. Avoid putting the potty seat by heating ducts. :O)

Michelle Price said...

Way to go Kate! Maybe it will be easy and you won't have to clean pee off out of the train table this time. I love how much she looks like you. It's so cute. Maybe you guys should wear matching outfits so you can look even more alike. You'd look good in the bloomers and tank top outfit.