Wednesday, February 10, 2010

I am so not cool lately. (Maybe I could have left lately off of that sentence).
Just one example, the crocs and socks I often wear on the walk to school.

Even on Sundays, when I'm actually trying, this is what happens. I pick out a perfectly good skirt or dress (or at least something I'll wear, usually by process of elimination out of everything else in my closet), then I go to put on nylons and shoes and ruin the whole outfit. Besides black with black, I can't ever seem to figure out a color of nylons that doesn't look dorky with the shoes and/or dress. Hmmm, maybe I just need new shoes. Or a fashion lesson in color-coordinating of nylons.

And yesterday, I went to Rite Aid with some awesome half blow dried, kinda big and frizzy hair. I had to run to rescue Kate from her brother halfway through blow drying, and never made it back into the bathroom before I had to do the daily "whatever it takes to get out the door on time" for school. After dropping Olivia off, I had to get a couple last minute things for a birthday lunch we had with a few friends for Katelyn. You'd think I'd know by now to check the mirror before going places. After we got home, I saw how awesome I looked. Yep, I've got it all put together over here.
Further evidence, my new favorite song to sing is "Wha wha wha, what's happenin' dude?" from the W guy on Leapfrog Letter Factory. If you haven't seen it, you should check it out, dude. Then Mr. W could be stuck in your head all day, too.
Maybe I should just go buy myself some of these.
Is anyone else ever not so cool, or am I the only one? Let's hear some examples - maybe you'll make me feel better.


Laurel Criddle said...

Sigh....I know exactly what you mean. Its a very special day when I wear jeans! Usually I am in lounge pants and a t-shirt. Sunday is the ONLY day I really get dressy so I look forward to it. And yeah, the frizzy half blow-dried hair....I'm sportin that right now. I usually just rotate the same 7 t-shirts throughout the week. Don't feel bad...whenever I see you, you look totally cute! To be quite honest, when I'm home all day, I don't even put a shirt on because I am nursing Cade on and off so I just have on my undershirt*. me lazy.

Emma said...

I have no fashion sense whatsoever. I'm all about comfortable clothes. I pretty much wear jeans and t-shirts everyday. I like to get dressed, but I don't know how to accessorize. I often look in the mirror after I've been out, to discover that my make-up is smudged, or I forgot to put it on at all. Or I have a curly lock of hair that is sticking out.
I'm with Laurel though, I think you look great.

Cailean said...

Larissa, I look up to you in every way! But yes it's funny how sometimes I'll go a whole day and realize I haven't looked in the mirror and I have a huge scratch from Lucy or really frizzy hair from the rain etc.

Belkycita said...

I think you are SUPER DUPER COOL!!
but I can tell you of the day I left to take Elena to school, went straight to play group for Victoria and then walked about 5 blocks to the library and then back home.
When I got home and went to the bathroom I realized I hadn't even brushed my hair, I had left over eyeliner from the day before AND a bugger of Victoria's on my face. I don't know how long I had the last one there for. Sometimes you just don't even realize what you're doing :-(
but here if I don't want to dress, I just put my black Abaya over my Pj's and a head scarf!!! Loving the desert!

Tammy said...

I am pretty cool myself. I have started leaving my makeup in the car because that is the only way I ever put it on. The last time I cut my hair was in November and people still tell me how great it looks because prior to that it had been....I'm not sure how long it had been. But the difference between you and me, three kids. So I feel like I should try a little harder to be presentable so that someday I could get to where you are.

WendyJ said...

You saw what I looked like this afternoon when you dropped off the cake pan and yummy piece of cake (thanks it was so good) NOT PRETTY. That's why I had my oldest answer the door while I hid in the kitchen hoping I wouldn't have to make an appearance. Sorry if I gave you a scare. I think you always look great! Luckily you don't have to wear huge Coke bottle glasses.

Michelle Price said...

Yesterday I was at Target for awhile, and because I had two grouchy kids with me I know I had some people noticing me. When I got home, I realized I was wearing one black flip flop and one blue one. It doesn't even require a mirror to see that, but I still didn't take the time to notice.
Even if we're not cool, at least there are others in the same boat!

Michelle Price said...

P.S., I love the Mom jeans

Carolyn Hanson said...

You're not the only one, Larissa!
There are many days I head out of the house with not a lick of make-up on and my hair pulled up in a huge matted knot.
People should just know that we moms have better things to do with our time than get presentable. :)
(Love the Mom Jeans)

Ricki said...

I completely sympathize with your plight. Except I think I'm pretty cool usually, then I find out later I'm not. so. much. Like, what was I thinking when I wore my hair all pulled back tight and didn't even notice I had two humungo zits, one on my forehead and one on the tip of my nose? Awesome.