Saturday, February 20, 2010

Katelyn is 2!

I never gave my o.k. for this girl to stop being a baby, but she went and turned 2 on me!

Her birthday was on a Saturday, and Grandma and Grandpa Knippers were coming up for it. So we thought maybe we'd forego a birthday party with friends, and just celebrate with a fun day with grandparents instead.
But, I wasn't fully convinced. So I invited some friends over for a simple birthday lunch a few days before her birthday - just pizza and cupcakes, and no games and presents. Well, maybe just a couple games. And a couple people still brought presents. We just love a party, I guess.

Putting spots on paper bug w/ dot stickers, and pin the spot on the ladybug. (Then eat the spots off the ladybug).
We've actually done this same oreo ladybug game before - at Olivia's 2nd-b-day (it was a butterfly/bug party). Just new friends and new poster. And new oreos.
Last year, I saw some cute ladybug Valentine decorations, so I got some of the goody bags to use for her party this year. I didn't even use them, but we had ladybugs anyway.

Then, more cake on her real birthday. I had a few animals to put on top for a "zoo cake," but my cake decorating helpers thought it needed lots more.
One of the presents from Grandpa and Grandpa was a toy vacuum, so she can get to work now!
There was a cute wooden "doll care center" I wanted to get for her (she loves her baby dolls). While I was trying to justify spending $100 on it and knowing I probably shouldn't, a friend said I should check goodwill and see if they had anything like it. Oh yeah, be frugal! I found this little set on craigslist for $10, and Katelyn didn't even know. I may paint it.
If she gets 2 parties for turning 2, I think I'll have to have a daily party for myself in November. Oh wait, I already do eat treats pretty much every day - I'll just have to buy presents.

So I realize about everything I've said on this post is like, "I was going to do this, but then I did this instead."
I was going to change it, but then I didn't.


Laura and crew said...

Life wouldn't be life without the "I was going to, but I didn't" aspect. I can't believe Katelyn's 2 already. That time went FAST!

heathermommy said...

she is so cute!!!

Belkycita said...

Happy Birthday little one and..... I am with you NO permission whatsoever to grow up,.... but they don't listen do they?

Nancy Mc said...

Loved the post. Happy Birthday to Katelyn!

Cailean said...

She is the sweetest little girl! I'm so glad you had a party for her!

WendyJ said...

The party was fun! I'm glad the Oreo's weren't from Olivia's party:)