But they've caught on - suddenly, bodily functions are hilarious. If the other doesn't hear the offending noise, they'll announce it so that they can share in the laughter. "Olivia, I have to tell you something. I burped!" Or "I just tooted three times!" This week, they started calling it the "burpics" and the "tootics." I know some families do races or obstacle course for their own family olympics. My kids came up with their own version for the spirit of the games. We didn't let it go very far, but if they were keeping score, Katelyn's machine-gun style could probably take the gold.
Jackson was in the bathroom a little longer than normal today, and came out yelling, "I went manure!"
They've even got Katelyn saying "doot" when I squirt ketchup onto her plate.
But Olivia wasn't laughing when it happened at school. She told me, "I was Mr Tootering today - I tooted like every 5 minutes."
We read this sweet, innocent library book, and they thought it was hilarious:
("Toot & Puddle: A Present for Toot." It's Toot's birthday, Puddle goes home pooped out.
We're not encouraging them (trying to do the opposite, actually). But it probably didn't help that I was laughing at the book right along with them.
While I'm on the potty subject - Katelyn's doing great. Well, except for the daily accidents.
Okay, enough of my potty mouth. I don't recommend trying their olympics at your house.