Wednesday, November 5, 2008

This is what I like to see at night:

But lately Jackson doesn't think he has to sleep! I don't know what's going on with him. A couple nights ago, at 3 in the morning, I heard a frantic, "Mommy, he's eating me!" He was running down the hall before I could even sit up in bed. And was up the rest of the night! A few times he dozed off, but as soon as I was falling back to sleep, he was awakened again by his bad dream.
He thought Bruce the Shark was going to come through his window.
The next night he kept wanting, "someone else that talks" to sleep in his room with him (i.e. stuffed animals don't count).
And last night he came out of his room over and over "needing" something. At 11:00, he let me know he could not sleep without the Little People sheep. So the Little People sheep found out for the first time what it's like to be needed. (Good thing it wasn't in the box of toys I just took to Goodwill).
After being up since 3 am, I didn't do much that day. Except take care of a few problems, like eyebrows plastered to the forehead with dried snot, stuff like that. (Baby eyebrows, not my eyebrows).


Belkycita said...

I can't stop laughing!
p.s.Elena has been up all this week too. Do you want to take turns staying up? Maybe we'll allow sleep overs!

Unknown said...

I love your blog! Cracks me up, especially the part about the eyebrows.

Darin and Kerri Elam said...

Sleepless in Seattle, huh? Well, at least I think there's a happy ending in the movie. Maybe Jackson will decide sleep isn't such a bad thing. Or maybe you'll find some really hot long lost love or something (I don't really remember the movie). You could send Jackson to my house. I'm up half the night anyway. Maybe he can entertain Levi for me and I can sleep.

Michelle Price said...

Thank you for clarifying. Snot plastered eyebrows might be a good look for you though.
Colby woke up screaming last night that Ethan took his blanket. Must have been a bad nightmare. Then Ethan woke up screaming that he didn't, he was just sleeping. It took awhile to calm them both down. I don't know what would be worse, dreaming about loosing your blanket, or being woken up by someone yelling about something you didn't do.
You can tell Jackson I like the little people sheep too.

Michelle Price said...

I love how Katelyn sleeps!

Mandie said...

This may sound silly, but my little brother went through a phase were he was scared of TRex at night, so my mom taught him how to pray and would pray with him at night to avoid the bad dreams and to be protected. Just a thought.

Cailean said...

Oh I just LOVE kiddo dreams and sleeptalking and even cute bad dreams like that. And those cute sleeping pictures will be so treasured when they are older I bet. We should take some too. Katelyn looks like she's doing some serious pondering.

Laura and crew said...

If someone would have told me I'd lose more sleep from my 3 year old than my baby I'd say they're crazy. But, every night...Josh goes straight to bed and Esther refuses to sleep and comes and finds us in the middle of the night.

WendyJ said...

Too funny! We did a similar blog post about a year ago and decided that the way a person sleeps is reflective of their personality.

Pam Emmons said...

I love sleeping baby pictures!

Anonymous said...

I just showed all the people at work all my cute grandkids! They loved the sleeping pictures too.