Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Just another day at our house

We're almost out of diapers for Jackson, and decide instead of buying more, we'll see how he does if we tell him no more diapers. Peeing on the carpet doesn't bother him. (Although it does happen to bother his mom). He would just go, then say, "Mom, more pee came out." And keep playing. While playing with his trains, he peed right into the drawer under the train table (tips for cleaning urine-soaked wooden tracks)? After that and several other accidents, we got more diapers.

Olivia and Jackson climb into Kate's crib and are having a great time in there, until I hear, "Stop, Olivia! That breaks the bones in my head!" Whatever she did, it couldn't have been nice.

Jackson's two-week long runny nose is now a blue runny nose. Hmm, who could be responsible for leaving all the lids off the markers again?

Olivia's learning to read! She catches on fast, why didn't we do this earlier? Oh yeah, because every time I got out the "Teach Your Child to Read" book, she would say "I'm never reading again!" She likes "Bob Books" more.

Katelyn knows how to get away from a diaper change.

John's fixing eyeballs in the middle of the night. And I'm making pumpkin bread.


Cailean said...

This was the funniest post :) What a great idea for potty-training! I'll try that with Elijah. Blue snot is something you gotta take a picture of. And that's exactly what Olivia and Jackson were doing when I watched them the other night! I think Olivia was bonking him then too. Congrats to Olivia! When Elizabeth learned during Kindergarten, I almost felt like Annie Sullivan watching Helen Keller. Ugh - fixing eyeballs! Thanks for posting this at night long after dinner :)

abby o said...

oh my goodness, why is this stuff so funny to read about when it's happening to somebody else!? LOVE it. And if it makes you feel any better, Henry WAS potty trained and has regressed to being about 50% potty trained. I refuse to go back to diapers though and so we are also suffering from the pee carpet blues.

Michelle Price said...

Way to go Jackson! We're potty training here too. Lots of laundry has to be done everyday, and I hope I can find someone to clean my carpets. Colby is catching on faster than Ethan did (at least for now) so hopefully he'll have it down within the next few weeks and then I won't have to have 2 in diapers when little Zakelle comes.

Carolyn Hanson said...

I agree with Abby-it's funny to read about when it's not you. Good luck with that!
Your kids are so darn cute.

Belkycita said...

You made my day.
Thanks :-)

Sara said...

Seriously, Dr. John is so missing out, eyeballs are LAME compared to your adventures. What a fun (if you can call urin soaked train tracks fun) life....thanks for sharing.

Cecily Markland said...

Hi Knippers...I'd love to see you, blue snot and all!