Sunday, November 9, 2008

Halloween's over, but . . .

Packing up Halloween costumes and decorations, I was talking with Olivia and Jackson about what they dressed up as in past years. I think Halloween is one of the few days of the year that we have the camera out, same day each year, so it was funny to see how much we changed from one year to the next. (In our last ward, we had an indoor Halloween party, so it was a good chance to get a picture of all of us with costumes. Now they have a trunk-or-treat in the dark so we didn't think about a family picture). As seen above, I've pretty much worn the same shirt for the last six Halloween's.
The only picture w/ me in it from this Halloween (photographer: Olivia). Darn, we didn't get the family this year! But the pumpkin shirt - still going strong.

2007: Pumpkin shirt wouldn't fit over my belly. It probably wouldn't have any made it over my face, either.

2006: At ward Halloween party in Milw.

2005: Donned a costume for Primary party, since I was in Primary. And probably too big for shirt again. Blame it on new baby again.

2004: John's going to be happy when he sees this picture I posted. He could use my dad's line, "I don't have to dress up, I already have my costume on." Don't worry, shirt was worn - top picture is from same year.

2003: New baby, new tired parents.

Yes, this IS why our Christmas card photo has rotated between the whole family one year, just the kids the next.


The Copes said...

I've seen that clown and cowboy somewhere before.

Mindy said...

What a great idea to recap your kids' halloween year after year. Now where's one from when you were that age?!

Belkycita said...

I love the only picture of you this year is the one without your head!
very appropriate I must say.

Cailean said...

Fat face!?!?!?! You have gorgeous cheekbones so you're crazy to think that! Anyway, it was so cute to see Olivia and Jackson as younger kids! How fun :) And I love the festive shirt.