Wednesday, July 23, 2008

So much to post, so little time

Here are a few pictures from this last week.

I love this picture of Katelyn - she always has huge smiles on her face!

This is supposed to be a "before" picture, but I don't have an "after" picture of my hair chopped off yet.

Grandma and Grandpa Knippers came to visit on Saturday.

Our new addition! And our kids now want to be in the backyard all day long. Hooray for craigslist - this was a good find!

There's a big slide on the other side that you can't see too well in the picture.

Katelyn and Grandma

Jackson's frog cupcake

Grandma & Grandpa brought more birthday cake for Olivia, and one for Jackson, too.


Michelle Price said...

How cool. We want a new swingset! We might be getting some bunk beds from someone on Craig's list today. I guess my kids can climb on those all day.
Post some pictures of your new haircut. You haven't had it short in a long time.

Cailean said...

Oh my goodness, I don't think I've seen Olivia with a happier face! So cute!!!

The Copes said...

Let's see that new haircut, I need some inspiration.

Nancy Mc said...

Good for you for your great find on Craigslist. I love the smiles on your kids faces. I don't think I've ever seen you with short hair. Can hardly wait for the after picture.