Saturday, July 12, 2008

John's Birthday

This was a big week for John - he performed his first cataract surgery! Pretty amazing, I'd say. I don't have any pictures of that (just picture an eyeball being cut open and then some other crazy procedures better explained by him). But his birthday was the next day, and here are a couple pictures from that.

We celebrated with a barbecue in the backyard and a brownie mountain for my husband who loves mountains and doesn't really like cake. In the picture, Jackson's saying "cheese" but he keeps his eyes on the brownies instead of the camera. Also, notice the yard - John has turned the pile of weeds we had when we moved in to an actual lawn. He is usually happy to just stay at home when he gets the chance so that's what we did for the celebration.

Olivia: "Just tell the hospital it's your birthday so they won't make you do any work."


Cailean said...

What a fun birthday! And we have to find out his magic tricks for yardwork! We're working on ours still :) I love the brownie mountain - such a great idea! July birthdays are so fun!

Michelle Price said...

Happy Birthday John! I like the cake. I tried to make one for Keith when he came to visit one year around his birthday. It was supposed to be a mountain, but ended up just a big pile of cake and frosting. Not so pretty. Maybe brownies are better materials for mountain building.

Carmen/Alan said...

I am so glad you found our blog because we have wondered how you all are doing too! You now have 3 kids, congratulations! I am excited to get updates.