Thursday, September 10, 2009

First Day of First Grade

"I got the nicest teacher in the whole school. She didn't even yell at us."
"My teacher's nice but school isn't even fun." (They did some boring stuff like rules, listening to principal, etc).
"I'm not even the shortest kid in my class anymore. I'm taller than two other kids because they're like really short. One of them's like a preschooler."


Michelle Price said...

Yea! Finally she catches up with Ethan and starts 1st grade. And finally she catches up with some shorties. Way to go Olivia! I'm glad she got the nicest teacher.

Nancy Mc said...

Oh, the things that make school fun. I love 1st day of schoool pictures!

Cailean said...

Those are indeed the important things in first grade! I hope she's continuing to enjoy first grade!

The Copes said...

Way to go Olivia! We've been doing the whole 1st grade thing for three weeks now, and so far it's 100 times easier than Kindergarten. So kick your feet up and enjoy the ride.

School lunch isn't going very smoothly. Everyday I ask Reid what he ate, and he usually says, "I didn't like most of it, but I ate my cookie and my chocolate milk," or, "I ate my Jello and my chocolate milk," or, "I ate my roll and my chocolate milk."
I think I'm going to have to bite the bullet and start packing a sack lunch.

Colette and The Chickenwings said...

Cute!! I love the farewell committee! Being the oldest can definitely have its perks.