Sunday, June 14, 2009

More Trip

Here are some more pictures - okay, lots more. We stayed in a cabin in Pinetop for a few days. On my side of the family, we're the farthest away from everyone else, so I was so glad for this chance to go see everyone - but we missed Keith! (Yes, we were there just a few months ago, but it had been a long time before that). My kids loved playing with Grandpa and all their cousins. Here they are in the "bug club" below, getting covered in dirt (Katelyn's got a thick layer from head to toe - she loved it). They were occupied in that dugout for a long time, while we tried to re-live our glory days on the soccer field.

Cute Madison. Cute Sadie.
Here's me and my sisters (below) trying to figure out who's sleeping where.

I think I need a dugout to keep them in at our house.
Good job, Zak. Way to fish.

At the end of the trip, we got to go to through the temple with my youngest sister, Tammy. I don't have any pictures, but there are some here.

1 comment:

Nancy Mc said...

Love the pictures! I want lessons on how to type "here" and have it be connected to something else. (Or whatever the correct words to explain that would be)