Tuesday, December 30, 2008

A friend of mine did a great job taking pictures of our family for our Christmas card this year, but our kids would hardly look at the camera, let alone smile! I said, "I just want one good picture with everyone smiling at the camera." John replies, "that's pretty much impossible with our kids." I disagree, but next year maybe I'll have to have someone doing a little song and a dance behind the photographer.
Here's the results of me later trying to get a picture of just the kids before the ward Halloween party. I mean, that would be Christmas party. We have one child who likes to pose for the camera, one who smiles easily but not necessarily when being held by a sibling, and one child who has looked toward a camera about twice in his little lifetime. Still, not impossible, I say.
(Cracker - bad idea, but at least it got him to sit).

No, look at me when you say cheese.

Katelyn wants what he has.

Making progress - maybe I can edit out the cracker?

And we're done with picture time for today.


Nancy Mc said...

The Christmas dresses are cute, and Jackson looks very handsome. I agree with John. Pictures are just hard with kids. Hopw you have a great 2009!

Mindy said...

They are cute and look normal anyway. :) My friend takes a family photo for the Christmas card and up until this point it has included some of her sons making faces, children screaming and red-faced, and others just saying cheese really big. What can you do? She just decided they would grow out of it and this Christmas it looks like they did...but her oldest is now in 7th grade I think. Good luck!

Cecily Markland said...

Good pictures or bad, they still make me cry to see them and make me miss all those cuties sooo much! Love you!

Cailean said...

Your pictures are so cute! After I took those of you guys at the park I took some of a large family in our ward and learned a lot about getting kids to look at the camera! I'm happy to do more for you guys :) I know it's super hard. I have to bribe with candy to get at least one kid to look. Often it's Elijah who thinks he's looking at the camera but he doesn't realize his eyes are all over the place.