Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Braving Santa's lap

Santa came to the ward party

Santa has something in his teeth.

Beat up by the concrete.
She got a huge blood blister under her lip, and I think it made her whole face look different. But it healed quickly. While watching John put up Christmas lights, she tripped over a tree branch and hit the edge of the sidewalk - hard enough that I heard her hit from inside my living room. A big "smack" followed by screaming/crying. Not a fun sound to hear. She gets scared at the sight of blood, and can be very dramatic even for small injuries, so she was pretty upset with this one.


Cailean said...

I love Jackson's expression! Poor Olivia though - that had to be painful. I am amazed it didn't do more damage. She does look different! Actually, a lot older for some reason :)

Jeanne Lewis said...

Oh how sad. Poor thing:(