Monday, June 16, 2008

Who's heard this before?

The phrase of the day is, "Looks like you've got your hands full!" Actually, its the phrase of the day anytime I go to the grocery store (or about any other store, actually). The Fred Meyer by us has those car shopping carts that my kids always want to go in, but the cool car part where the kids sit is at the back of the cart where I push, instead of down in front like some other stores have. So Olivia and Jackson sit there, and then Katelyn's carseat has to go down in the main part of the cart where the food goes. I try not to bury her too much in groceries. So I pass one person who says, "Look like you've got your hands full!" Yep, heard that before. Come around the corner, and someone else says, "Looks like you've got your hands full." Smile and nod.
We can't fit down the aisle with another cart on one side and a display on the other, so I try to back up and turn the cart around. Those things don't steer so easily. The next aisle has a little old lady who spots Katelyn underneath 2 loaves of bread, and she stops to say hi to the baby. "Frank come look at this little baby" she says, and her 90-year-old husband shuffles over to take a look while two shopping carts behind me try to get around the big car cart, and I try unsuccessfully to scoot it out of the way. Frank takes a peek and says to me, "Well you've got your hands full!"
My mom used to take six of us to the grocery store so what's the big deal? I'm sure we weren't always very well behaved, either (except me, of course).
I hear it again as I run over someone's foot trying to get around a corner.
And then about seventeen more times before we get out of there, at which point I finally feel like I really do have my hands full as I'm holding Jackson (who finished his fruit snacks and began head-butting his sister instead), and trying to push that dang cart with one hand at the same time.
We do get a few other comments, like, "Well you look like a princess today" to my four-year-old clad in a skirt, glitter shoes, sparkly tiara, and one of her baby sister's blankets for a cape ("Mom I'm probably going to be the fanciest one at the store today!" "Yes, you usually are.") If anyone says hello to Jackson, he shoots them with his pretend finger gun. And Katelyn just gives her big smiles to anyone who can see her down in the pile of food.


Michelle Price said...

I like the label. More stories like that and you might just be able to convince me.

Katrina said...

Larissa, I have tears running down my cheeks right now. You are so funny! I can just picture it all.

Laurel Criddle said...

That is hilarious! I liked when you said "smile and nod" I can totally see that happening. TOO FUNNY!

heathermommy said...

This sounds oh too familiar even with only 2 kids. It sounds like Olivia and Evie are long lost twins. Evie wore the exact same thing to the library the other day. Except her cape was a music class scarf.

Pam Emmons said...

I have been in that same situation for the last 8 months, longer if you include the time when I was pregnant for the third time. It's ok as long as people aren't complaining! I feel for ya, believe me! Now that Cooper isn't in an infant carseat, those trips to the store are even more interesting.