Sunday, June 22, 2008

A big mess, you think?

No, it's a boat. A very carefully crafted one.

This is one of my kids' favorite ways to play - they make the couch (or a bed, storage container, etc.) into a boat by loading it with about everything they can find.
Olivia used to do this when she was tiny, and now Jackson has caught right on in the ship-building skills. But they play a little differently - Jackson puts "only cool things, no pretty things" on his boat, and sometimes "just da boys" get to ride with him. Then he likes to jump off and pretend he fell into the water, but luckily he always makes it back before the sharks eat him.
Olivia things are set up just right, and if she decides to go for a swim she is Ariel and wants Prince Eric to rescue her.
A boat from another day. They like to be prepared for whatever may come on their journeys, or whatever the destination may be. In this pile there are actually all different containers full of treasures. And what happens next? Usually Jackson wants something Olivia has, she doesn't let him take it, he starts pushing all of her hard work onto the floor, she cries like her life is ruined, tells me to put everything back "just how it was," I tell her that's not possible, she cries even more, they take a little break, and back to ship building, making a store, or some other activity involving every toy in the house. That's the routine.
So it was time to clean up the family room, and this was their solution - a tri-level boat in Jackson's room. Ridiculous. And who gets to clean these things up? Maybe I just shouldn't allow them to play this when they make such a big mess - but they play together so well and it keeps them occupied for hours - (especially if they're sailing to somewhere far away). Isn't that great - I can get so much cleaning done while they're busy making a mess. I don't know if my kids are capable of playing with one toy at a time. Or less than 50 things at a time. Sometimes they're good at helping pick up their toys, but they get a little overwhelmed with jobs like this.

We got the last "boat" cleaned up and Jackson's room cleaned and vacuumed. A few minutes later Olivia told me, "Mom, I decorated Jackson's room! I made it really pretty." This is her decorating job- she spread out a bunch of blankets to cover the wood floor, plus his bed and table and chairs. She was pretty proud. This same day she also said to me, "Um, Maid, could you clean the ballroom so we can dance?"
So if your kids don't know how to build a boat, my kids would be happy to teach them. Your couch could look like this in no time.


Anonymous said...

They are so cute...but like you said earlier, you do have your hands full. From the looks of it, disassembling boats has got to be hard work! Love you, Mom

Darin and Kerri Elam said...

I am sitting here reading your blog because my children are occupied right now...building boats! So my house looks alot like yours. We've got the "stuff boat" and the "people boat" and all the cushions thrown on the floor to make bridges between the boats. And Wyatt's the pretend lifeguard who gets to blow the whistle if anyone runs or falls in. After boats we might get to play "birthday party" where all the toys come out again to be pretend birthday presents.

Carolyn Hanson said...

Such a funny post! You're a great writer, Larissa. And your kids are very imaginative-that's great!

Michelle Price said...

I don't have boat builders at my house, but they have gotten pretty good at forts. The best building materials for forts? The bins that hold their toys. Dump out the cars box for one wall, then the dinosaur box for the other, and then the big stuffed animal box to rest on top. And don't worry about the mess--if mom asks you to clean up you can just cry and say you don't know how, or you are too tired. Eventually she'll do it.

Andrea said...

I love the boats! Maybe we'll figure out how to build them in Madison!

Miss you guys.


Ricki said...

I love how you're so easy going about the boat-building and mess-making. I'm learning to let Levi play with his toys how he wants to, not how I think he should! I used to think putting blankets and fabric on everything was very pretty too.

Anonymous said...

At least my son isn't making "boats" yet, but he does like to throw blocks everywhere. Which I then trip on and when I try to get my balance back, I trip on another one. If I could only get him to stop playing with the cat food, that would be lovely.