Friday, January 1, 2010


Jackson with toy from Olivia.
Kate climbed right into her new toy (a water play table).

Then she climbed onto someone else's present.

Olivia was excited to see that, "Whoa, this is the first time Santa's ever brought us all something big!" Santa still didn't spend too much, but they liked their "big" surprises.

Olivia in her "Christmas outfit." She found about the only red and green she owns and got dressed up, while the rest of us stayed in pj's for most of the day.

She lost a tooth on Christmas Eve, so Santa and the Tooth Fairy both had to come that night! She thought they might bump into each other.


Cailean said...

Yes goodness, Santa must have had to pull a second sleigh for all those large gifts! I'd love to see how you wrapped all of them :)

Laura and crew said...

Big gifts are the best because they are so exciting! It looks like you had a great Christmas & New Years... See you guys soon!

Ricki said...

Does my hiding Katelyn's gift at my house make me Santa's elf, helper or accomplice?

I love Olivia's outfits. That girl has got style!