Monday, October 27, 2008

Today's happenings at the Knippers household

(Besides eating Halloween candy),

Our furnace got fixed! Hooray. Last night we had to "double-bag" the baby in two sleepers, so Olivia double-bagged herself, too, complete with 2 pairs of socks.

Jackson: Mommy, our house is ugwy, huh?
Olivia: I know how we could make it really pretty. We could just put like flowers everywhere and hang ribbons and bows on all the walls.
(Not quite what I had in mind, but I can picture a house decorated by Olivia).

Olivia: Mom, why do some people eat caterpillars?
Jackson: Mom, how many bums to caterpillars have? Two? No, just one. No, I know, three! They have three.

Katelyn: ppppfffffffffffffffffffffff (blowing raspberries)

Jackson (over & over): Ariel! Ariel!

Olivia (over & over): Stop calling me Ariel!

Jackson: Okay. You're Gariel. Gariel. Gariel. Gariel. Gariel. Gariel.

Katelyn: Ppppppppffffffffffffffffffffff

Katelyn has started the army crawl, and I caught her twice going straight toward the fridge, reaching under and putting whatever she found underneath in her mouth. That can't be good.

Orange pancakes for dinner. Olivia: Mom, these don't even look like pumpkins.


Belkycita said...

The Army crawl??? Are you ready for this?

Anonymous said...

excellent. look forward to seeing you guys again. love the image of an olivia-decorated house. :)

Mindy said...

This painted a perfect picture in my mind of what is going on. You should take up writing....if you ever have time, 20 years from now.

abby o said...

really larissa, VERY good description of life with 3 kids 5 and under...SO crazy and fun.

Michelle Price said...

I would have liked your orange pancakes. I made red, white, and blue pancakes for my kids on 4th of July. They were not impressed at all.
I told Tammy to come decorate a nursery for me, but maybe I should just let Olivia. She could make it very nice!