Thursday, February 26, 2009

Kindergarten Valentines

The Valentine exchange was always one of the most exciting days of elementary school. You had to be careful about which conversation hearts you put in who's envelope, though.

I told Olivia some ideas of things we could make for her teacher, but then she saw the "prettiest bag of candy in the whole store" (all pink, and even tied with a pink bow), and nothing else would do.

For their Valentine's Day celebration, Olivia's class had a "meal with manners." They prepared that week by making their own placemats and deciding on a menu together (pizza, mini corndogs, green beans, French fries, strawberries, noodles). They also decorated bags for their Valentine exchange.

"Why doesn't she feel heavier if she turned one today?" Katelyn's smile is probably about the conversation heart/choking hazard in her mouth that her sister was kind enough to share.

More on Kate's birthday to come . . . and our trip to AZ, too!


Laurel Criddle said...

How cute! Little girls and pink just go hand in hand! She looked so cute for that special day. Love the menu by the I surprised thats what kids choose to eat?

Cailean said...

I love seeing Olivia's experiences at school! She looks so grown-up with that ponytail. Isn't it fun mixed with tediousness to put together Valentine's for so many kids! But you had at least 10 more kids to do it for than us I think (21 in our class). It looks like her teacher did a lot to make it special for the kids! I can't wait to see more photos of your recent adventures. We've missed you guys!

Belkycita said...

So cute! We missed Valentines at Elena's preschool but she came home on Tuesday with a huge heart full of stuff.
BTW are you sure your baby is one? I can't believe it, you just had her, remember?

Nancy Mc said...

Very very cute pictures. I love how they had a manners meal-what a great idea.

Cecily Markland said...

oh...these pictures make me miss you guys! I hope I get to see you again soon.
love you!